Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Bare Body Sugaring Paste

Body sugaring is the ancient art of hair removal and is performed using a thick paste consisting of 100% natural ingredients. It has no chemical ingredients or resins.  Sugaring is environmentally safe and is the most natural way to remove hair.The ball of paste is applied by hand and molded against the natural direction of hair growth. Then, with a quick flick of the wrist, the sugar is removed in the direction of growth, taking the entire hair and root with it. The same ball of sugar paste is used over and over again until the undesired hair has been removed.​

Original Sugar Wax
200gms - 200.00
400gms - 350.00

Strawberry & Cafe Mocha
200gms - 220.00
400gms - 380.00

Soothing Lotion
60ml - 70.00

Strawberries are super fruits, bursting with powerful anti-oxidants and loads of Vitamin C that will provide your skin with nourishing nutrients for healthy happy skin. Research shows that people who eat foods rich in Vitamin C have fewer wrinkles and age related skin problems than those who don't.

Blend of our Natural Cocoa and Coffee Sugar Wax, a Cafe Mocha delight that will awaken your skin and blast away dead cells which dulls the skin's surface as it soothes, hydrates and nourishes with natural vitamins, rich cocoa and potent anti-oxidants!

Sugaring Paste doesn't need a Spatula and a Cloth Strip as it is thicker than the Sugar Gel. It is used in most of the expensive waxing salons here and abroad.

Though not painless, sugaring tends to be considerably less painful than waxing because the paste does not adhere to live skin and is removed in the direction of growth to reduce the occurrence of ingrown hairs. Removing the hair in the direction of growth has another advantage: there is little to no hair breakage resulting in longer-lasting results.

Sugar is hypoallergenic and safe for skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis.
Sugar can remove very short hairs:  5-7 days growth is sufficient.  It can lead to refinement or permanency in growth patterns with consistent sugaring treatments.

Video Tutorials and Tips

Bare Body Sugar Paste Kneading
       - Knead the Sugar Paste Until it turns light or it is manageable.
       - Make sure you are in front of an Electric Fan or you are in an Air-conditioned room.
       - Sugar Paste gets hard in a very cold room so you can tap a very small amount of water to easily knead it.

Bare Body Leg Sugaring
       - The Leg on the video has short hair and has a lot of ingrown because of shaving but you can see how our sugar paste can still rip the hair off.
       - Double/Triple dipping helps hair gripping better before flicking.
       - It is advised to apply the sugar paste opposite the direction of hair growth and flick towards the hair growth direction.

Sugar Paste gets sticky - How to manage?
         - Sugar Paste gets sticky. Don't panic! It is normal... =)
         - You feel like it's messy and you don't know how to manage the paste using your hands? Then I suggest you use surgical gloves so you can just remove it from you hands once done. Otherwise, just let it and just wash your hands after. Don't worry, it's washable and very easy to remove.

Order Form

Please visit our website www.barebodyph.com to place your order.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why Sugar Wax?

Sugaring is environmentally safe and is the most natural way to remove hair. It can lead to refinement or permanency in growth patterns with consistent sugaring.

2. What is it made of?

It is made of 100% Natural ingredients. One of which is Sugar.

3. What's the difference between Sugar Paste and Sugar Gel?

Sugaring Paste doesn't need a Spatula and a Cloth Strip as it is thicker than the Sugar Gel. It is used in most of the expensive waxing salons here and abroad. Sugar Paste removes hair as short as 1/16 of an inch and you use your hands or fingers to remove it. While hair has to be about 1/4 of an inch and you'll also need strips when using Sugar gel.

4. Is it safe to use?

Definitely! Sugar is hypoallergenic and safe for skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis since it is only made of natural ingredients. Even teens can perform or have sugaring.

5. How long does it take for the hair to grow back?

Sugaring has lasting results. It can take up to 2-3 weeks before hair grows back but finer and thinner compared to shaving.

6. Is it easy to use?

Absolutely! Since it doesn't need a strip and a spatula, sugaring is as easy as shaving as the same ball of sugar paste is used over and over again until the undesired hair has been removed.

7. What other benefits do I get from Sugaring?

Less painful, lasting results, no bumps, no ingrown, smoothens and whitens skin.  It can lead to refinement or permanency in growth patterns with consistent sugaring.